Customer Success Story

How APositive and Volley Recruit formed a Grand Slam Partnership

Volley Recruit

Volley Recruits Founding Story

Shaun Butterworth’s career has been anything but linear, starting out as a plumber, moving into hospitality, retail and even spending some time as an auctioneer with a few other bits and bobs in between. After spending the best part of a decade in the recruitment industry, he finally mustered up the courage to take things on and start a recruitment business himself, his thinking was “if others around me can do it, why can't I?" Shaun states:

“Having had such a diverse career has definitely armed me with a plethora of tools and experiences I’ve been able to translate into running my own business." 

Now 2.5 years in with Volley Recruit, Shaun attributes Volley’s growth and success to having successful relationships, trusted partnerships and in his words:

“I try not to pay attention to anyone else, at Volley, we believe in focusing on improving and competing against ourselves everyday.”

Overcoming Financial Challenges with APositive

Securing funding proved to be a significant hurdle. Traditional banks were hesitant to lend, leaving Shaun to seek alternative solutions. Through industry connections and some diligent research (Googling), Shaun discovered APositive.

A meeting with Darren from APositive changed everything and Shaun knew from the get go that Apositive was the long term financial partner he had been searching for.

"Immediately, Darren set the standard as an experienced professional who was knowledgeable, friendly and supportive and introduced me to other professionals in the industry that might be able to help get me started. That made a huge statement right off the bat that APositive has the clients best interests at heart.”

Shaun then went on to say:

“APositive specialised in the recruitment industry, it's amazing how many businesses & service providers don't quite get what we do, but with APositive being an industry specialist, it was a no brainer to move forward with them and I’m fortunate to say they’ve been imperative to our success as a business."

APositive’s deep understanding of the recruitment industry allowed them to provide tailored financial solutions that traditional lenders couldn't match to help Volley Recruit grow.

The Importance of Efficient Systems

Efficient systems are the backbone of any successful business. For Volley, having reliable back-end support was essential:

"If you've got poor systems, your team lets you know and worst of all, your business pays the price."

A huge part of Volley’s success is due to the programs and systems put in place to ensure there is simplicity in daily tasks.

“APositive provided seamless integration with our existing tech stack, FoundU and Xero. This significantly enhanced our operational efficiency.”

Nonetheless, APositive’s support extended beyond financial solutions. Their client portal provided a comprehensive snapshot of Volley’s finances, making it easy to manage collections and invoicing "The client portal is as simple as it comes!” adding that:

"If the systems do their job properly then I don't have to spend time trying to solve the unsolvable problems, and that gives me a significant advantage as a business owner."

The Success of Implementing APositive’s Solutions

The partnership with APositive has been a game-changer for Volley. With streamlined financial operations and robust back-end support, Volley Recruit has thrived.

"We’ve been able to increase our facility as we grow, with no communication issues,"

Shaun shares. The relationship with APositive has been enhanced by open conversations and proactive solutions, ensuring that Volley Recruit’s needs are always met.

One standout aspect of the APositive service has been the continuity in account management.

"We've had Lindsey as our account manager for almost two years. It's important when you're doing business with someone and you’ve got that continuity with your partners. With APositive, we've had Lindsey since we’ve joined, we’ve grown together, Lindsey knows and understands our business, is proactive in her service she provides and is only ever a phone call away for anything we need".

This stability has fostered a strong working relationship, allowing Volley Recruit to focus on growth without worrying about the back end.

Continued Success for Volley Recruit’s Future

Shaun Butterworth’s entrepreneurial journey from plumbing to founding Volley is a testament to the power of determination and the importance of the right partnerships. By teaming up with APositive, Volley overcame financial obstacles and established a solid foundation for continual success going forward.

Just like APositive has been instrumental in Volley's success, the right partner can help you achieve your business goals. 

Ready to transform your business? Learn more about how APositive can support your growth.

Discover how APositive can help your business grow

The APositive team is made up of recruitment industry experts with decades of experience helping businesses like yours. Get in touch with us today and see how we can make a positive difference.